January 25, 2025, 4:32 pm | Read time: 5 minutes
The diagnosis of cancer is a moment of shock for many of those affected. Thanks to new findings, treatment methods are becoming more and more effective, increasing the likelihood of recovery. However, there are also other important factors that determine whether you beat cancer, as a recent study shows. And you obviously have an influence on these yourself.
The chances of recovery from cancer depend largely on the stage at which the cancer was diagnosed. The rule here is that the earlier it is detected, the better the chances of recovery. Especially if the cancer has not yet spread, it can often be easily removed or treated. However, the various types of cancer also differ in their chances of recovery. According to the German Federal Ministry of Health and the Robert Koch Institute, the absolute 5-year survival rate is currently 50 percent for men and 58 percent for women.1 This applies across all types of cancer. A recent study shows that cancer patients can apparently also positively influence the risk of dying from cancer themselves.
Factors That Can Significantly Reduce Cancer Patients’ Risk of Dying from Cancer
Numerous studies have demonstrated the critical importance of exercise and maintaining a fit body for our overall health. An analysis of 16 studies, for example, produced exciting results in this regard. It showed that people who regularly carried out muscle-building activities had an average 15 percent lower risk of dying compared to those who did not. Apparently, physical fitness is also an important influencing factor that can significantly reduce the risk of dying from cancer in particular. This significant finding was uncovered by researchers in Australia.
In an analysis of data from around 47,000 patients with different types of cancer and at different stages, the researchers have shown that muscle strength and good general physical fitness are associated with a significantly lower risk of death in cancer patients.2
Researchers Evaluated 42 Relevant Studies
Scientists from Edith Cowan University in Australia wanted to find out how physical fitness affects the risk of dying from cancer. The results were to be used to make recommendations to those affected as to how they can increase their chances of survival. To do this, they searched for relevant studies that had been published in English by August 2023. Ultimately, 42 of these studies were included in the data analysis, which encompassed patient data from approximately 47,000 participants.
Analysis of the Data Yielded Several Interesting Findings
- Overall, cancer patients with high muscle strength or a good fitness level had a significantly lower general risk of death. It was 31 to 46 percent lower compared to cancer patients with a low level of physical fitness.
- Patients with advanced cancer who had high muscle strength and good physical fitness had an eight to 46 percent lower mortality risk compared to untrained patients.
- Patients with lung, stomach, and colorectal cancer had a 19 to 41 percent lower mortality risk if they had good fitness and muscle strength.
Researchers Recommend Training Programs for Cancer Patients
According to the researchers, the data analysis showed that high muscle strength and a good fitness level can significantly reduce the risk of death. Notably, good endurance seems to be linked with a reduced risk of mortality specific to cancer. Patients with advanced cancer benefit particularly strongly from high muscle strength and endurance.
The results show that fitness data may provide important information on the mortality risk of cancer patients. The possible development of special training programs for those affected should focus on increasing muscle strength and endurance. This is the conclusion drawn by the researchers in their analysis of the study: “Our results show that muscle strength could be used in clinical practice to determine the mortality risk in advanced cancer patients and that muscle-strengthening measures can, therefore, be used to increase life expectancy.”

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Further Study Shows the Importance of Fitness for Cancer Risk in General
However, physical fitness apparently helps not only to survive cancer but also to prevent cancer in general. Another study, which was also recently published, shows how physical fitness reduces the risk of developing cancer.3 Data from 315,000 people was analyzed. This marks the first investigation into the impact of waist circumference and consistent physical activity on cancer risk.
The analysis of the data showed that a slim waistline or physical fitness alone cannot reduce the risk of cancer. It is the synergy of both factors that seems to confer a significant advantage.
The Study Provided the Following Findings
- People who did not meet the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for waist circumference had an eleven percent higher risk of cancer, even if they were physically active.
- People who did not meet the WHO guidelines for physical activity had a four percent higher risk of cancer, even if they had a slim waist.
- Individuals who failed to meet either criterion had a 15 percent increased risk of cancer development.
The World Cancer Research Fund interprets the study to indicate that regular exercise and weight management are key to significantly lowering the risk of cancer onset.
“These findings highlight the importance of a holistic approach to lifestyle rather than focusing on a single factor to reduce cancer risk. Maintaining a healthy weight, especially keeping a waist circumference within recommended guidelines, along with physical activity and a nutritious diet, are essential measures for reducing the risk of cancer,” commented Dr. Helen Croker, Deputy Director of Research and Policy at the World Cancer Research Fund.