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How do you get rid of a sty?

If you have it, you only want one thing: to get rid of the sty again
Just be patient: a sty usually disappears after a week. Photo: Getty Images / RuslanDashinsky

October 24, 2024, 4:45 pm | Read time: 7 minutes

It hurts, bothers you, and doesn’t look nice: a stye (hordeolum) on the eye. Those affected want to get rid of the painful lump on the eyelid as quickly as possible. Why does it develop, and what remedies can help it heal?

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A sty is a painful infection on the eyelid that can occur on the inside of the eyelid (hordeolum internum) and on the edges of the eyelid (hordeolum externum) in the area of the eyelashes. The growth swells, may restrict the field of vision, and is painful. Some people are more prone to styes than others and are plagued by them every few months. How can you get rid of a sty? First and foremost, you need patience. But you can also take supportive and preventive measures. You can find out what these are here.

What are the typical symptoms of a sty?

Although the symptoms of a sty vary from person to person, the red bump on the edge of the eyelid is characteristic of an external sty. The inner sty is located inside the upper or lower eyelid and is – not always, but usually – visible from the outside as a small bump on the eyelid. Typical symptoms of a sty are:1

  • characteristic bump inside the eyelid or on the edge
  • swollen eyelid
  • foreign body sensation in the eye
  • crusty eyelid edges
  • pain and/or sensitivity of the eye
  • itching of the eye
  • redness at the edge of the eyelid or the entire eyelid
  • sensitivity to light
  • watery eyes, ocular fluid leakage
  • restricted and/or blurred vision

Even if the symptoms are typical of a sty, they can also indicate another eye infection. It is, therefore, important to seek medical advice if symptoms persist.

How does a sty develop?

External sty

The eyelids have numerous oil glands that regulate the moisture content of the eye and remove foreign bodies from the eye by producing tears. If these oil glands become blocked due to old oil, bacteria, makeup, or dead skin cells, germs can collect in the gland and cause an infection. The infection is usually caused by skin germs such as Staphylococcus. These are bacteria that get onto the eyelid or into the eyes through smear infection and friction. If the so-called minor glands at the edge of the eyelid become inflamed, the painful growth of an external sty develops.

Internal sty

In most cases, the inner sty is also caused by a bacterial infection. However, the deeper meibomian glands become inflamed, resulting in an internal bump on the upper or lower eyelid. The bacterial infection can spread to the eye through dirty hands, poor hygiene when applying makeup or inserting contact lenses, but also through infections of the nose or sinuses.

Who is particularly susceptible to styes?

Some people have never had a sty, while others have to deal with the uninvited guest every few months. Possible risk factors for a sty can be:2

  • a weak immune system, e.g., due to pre-existing conditions such as diabetes mellitus
  • stress
  • lack of sleep
  • hormone fluctuations
  • skin diseases, such as rosacea
  • poor hygiene
  • improper eye care

Children, in particular, struggle with these annoying bumps because their immune systems are not yet fully developed, and they often touch their faces with dirty hands.

How do you get rid of styes?

The pressing question with a sty is: How can it disappear quickly? Unfortunately, patience is required above all. Supportive measures can be taken, and in the case of a very severe sty, prescription or pharmacy medication may be needed. But in most cases, the sty simply disappears by itself after a week. However, as a sty with a bacterial infection can also be contagious, you should pay particular attention to hygiene during this time. This means throwing away potentially contaminated mascara, changing towels frequently and pillowcases if necessary and not touching your eyes and, if you do, washing your hands immediately afterward.3

Tips on how to potentially get rid of a sty faster

Since the bump on the eyelid may resemble a pimple, some individuals might be tempted to squeeze the growth. Under no circumstances should you do this! If you do, it can lead to the pathogens spreading in the healthy eye and the infection spreading further.4

Clean the eyelid correctly and hygienically

It makes sense to clean the edge of the eyelid with the sty briefly and carefully. This allows the collected fluid and other secretions in the bump to drain better. It is important to use the right products for this. Suitable cleansing wipes or liquids can be bought at the pharmacy.

Red light lamp to speed up the healing process

Deep heat from a red light lamp – three times a day for ten minutes each time – can also ensure that a sty heals more quickly. However, experts warn against using moist compresses: they can soften the skin and potentially cause the inflammation to spread.

Warming eye mask from the pharmacy

Special eye masks from the pharmacy, designed to be left on closed eyes for up to ten minutes, can also use heat to help open a stye and expedite healing. However, it is important not to apply too much heat to the eyes, as this can lead to injuries such as slight burns.

If the symptoms are severe and persistent: See a doctor!

Another aid from the pharmacy are germicidal ointments or gels that can be applied to the sty. However, antibiotics should only be used after consulting a doctor. Those affected should also consult a doctor if the sty has not healed on its own after two weeks. A minor surgical procedure may then be necessary.5

More on the topic

Hygiene is the most effective prevention

There are preventative measures that can be taken to avoid the unpleasant experience of a sty. Particularly essential are practices such as cleaning the eyes, hygienically applying and removing makeup, handling contact lenses cleanly, washing hands regularly, and changing towels. In addition, it is advisable to strengthen the immune system in people who frequently struggle with the painful lump. This means avoiding stress, lack of sleep and excessive alcohol consumption as well as smoking and eating as healthily as possible.6

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of FITBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

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  1. Stanford Health Care. Chalazion and Stye Symptoms.</a> (retrieved 2.9.2024) </em> ↩︎
  2. Stye and chalazion (eyelid inflammation).</a> (retrieved 2.9.2024) </em> ↩︎
  3. John Hopkins Medicine. Hordeolum (Stye).</a> (retrieved 2.9.2024) </em> ↩︎
  4. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Is it OK to Pop a Stye?</a> (retrieved 2.9.2024)</em> ↩︎
  5. Lindsley, K., Nichols, J. J. and Dickersin, K. (2012). Interventions for acute internal hordeolum.</a> Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR)</em>. ↩︎
  6. Mayo Clinic. Stye</a>. (retrieved 2.9.2024) </em> ↩︎