October 25, 2024, 2:02 pm | Read time: 6 minutes
For many people, regular jogging is part of their routine. Sure: running is healthy and clears your head! But how fast should you be, what distance should you cover, and how long should you run to be able to speak of good basic fitness? FITBOOK author Tony Poland asked sports scientist Jörn Giersberg.
There are many ways to train your endurance: you can swim, cycle, or run, for example. The latter sport is particularly popular, as all you have to do is put on your sneakers, leave the house, and you’re ready to go. Running not only improves your endurance but can also reduce body fat and build or maintain muscle mass. It can also prevent cardiovascular diseases. But how long or how many kilometers should you actually run to be able to speak of basic fitness? And what do you need to bear in mind? Read below which distances and times you should manage running for basic fitness.
Very important: The individual heart rate and how to calculate it
First and foremost, it’s essential to recognize that each person has a unique capacity for performance. This depends, among other things, on age and general performance level. In order to determine how long and how fast a woman or man should run, you have to take the individual heart rate into account. “Heart rate is a critical factor,” explains Jörn Giersberg. “Because it is simply a very good indicator of individual performance.” But how do you calculate this? “I always work very well with the following formula: 65 to 85 percent of 220 minus your age. “This formula will put you in an optimal training heart rate zone,” the fitness expert clarifies. This means that a 40-year-old man or woman should complete cardio training with a heart rate between 117 and 153 beats per minute.
“Many beginners who don’t have experience with heart rate will always run too fast. They are often surprised that they can’t last 10 minutes,” the sports scientist continues. The reason is clear: if their heart rate was measured, it would likely exceed the recommended threshold, leading to an early end to their run.
To optimize training, it’s advisable to adjust the heart rate range based on the workout’s intensity and duration. If you run for a shorter time – around 20 minutes – you can work in the upper heart rate range. In our example (40 years old), this would be a heart rate between 140 and 150, whereas if you run for longer, perhaps 40 minutes, you are more likely to be in the lower range with a heart rate of 120 and 130.
The right mix to improve performance
According to Giersberg, it is also important to improve by orienting yourself to your own heart rate. This could mean, for example, training to run the same distance in a shorter time or extending the distance. “It’s not about comparing yourself with others. Rather, you should always use your own performance as a guide,” says the expert.
As with many sports, a key principle applies here too: “More isn’t always better!” Recovery days between runs are just as important as variety. Alternating between walking and running, varying the pace and terrain, such as hills, can enhance basic fitness – the variations are endless. The right variation and intensity always provide new stimuli and loosen up the whole program.
Duration: How long you should last
But how long should you be able to run without a break to be able to speak of basic fitness? Jörn Giesberg knows the answer: “If I actually keep my heart rate at the recommended value mentioned above, then many people can run more than one would think. And even more than they think. Then they can run for half an hour at a stretch.” This applies to both sexes!
However, the prerequisite is that there are no problems with the musculoskeletal system. “These people could manage to run for 30 minutes at walking pace. But they wouldn’t be able to do it from an orthopaedic point of view. Their knees, feet, or lower back would start to hurt at some point,” explains the expert. This makes it difficult to keep going for half an hour without a break.
“In my experience, most people are completely amazed that it’s so easy to run for 30 minutes at a time if they stick to their heart rate! If you run intuitively, you’re well above that,” says the personal trainer.
Length: You should be able to cover this distance in this time
For the purposes of classification, a walking speed of around 5 km/h is assumed at this point. This figure is, therefore, a good guideline, which also seems realistic and feasible for a higher pace. But how long should you allow yourself to run 5,000 meters to achieve a certain basic fitness level? “Of course, it depends on age and gender. But if someone has a fairly good level of fitness and is under 30 to 50 years old, 5 kilometers in 25 minutes would be very good,” estimates Giersberg.
“For ‘normal’ and reasonably fit people, I would say that even 35 to 40 minutes is quite good.” It’s also important to remember that there are many people who can’t last 1,000 meters. “The spectrum from ‘very fast’ to ‘barely managing’ is quite broad,” the expert shares from experience. “So you shouldn’t overdo this recommendation.”
How to get started with running
Whether you run on forest ground, in the park, or on asphalt, it is particularly important for your knees and hips. Jörn Giesberg always recommends that beginners or people who don’t want to put more strain on their passive musculoskeletal system (joints, tendons, ligaments) run on soft ground with shoes. “Even running barefoot on the firm sand at the beach can be quite jarring.” In any case, it is even more difficult in deep sand, as the intensity and, therefore, the heart rate automatically increases.
So, soft ground and suitable footwear are important tips for getting started and achieving a basic level of fitness when running. You should also start slowly and literally improve your time and increase your distance step by step. “With this approach, you’ll quickly progress to a higher level and continue to improve,” Giersberg advises.”
For basic fitness This is how long and far women and men should be able to cycle
For basic fitness How long men and women should be able to swim
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A perfect mix: a combination of strength and endurance
Ideally, you should combine your training. Jörn Giersberg believes that 20 to 40 minutes of jogging combined with strength training – preferably on separate days – is perfect. Regardless of whether the fat metabolism is only stimulated after around 40 minutes.
“There is an advantage because if you do running with weight training, you don’t get the energy turnover from the few calories you burn while jogging. You get it from the muscle mass you develop during weight training. And cardio training is just an additional vehicle to speed up your metabolism again,” he concludes.